Picture of the Day
"Peace cannot be kept by force: It can only be achieved by understanding" ~ Albert Einstein Seek understanding through knowledge.... This...

Thought for the Day - Be HAPPY!
Greetings Family & Friends!! Happy Day of Happiness. Today, March 20th, 2016, is the official "International Day of Happiness" as...

Thought for the Day
Good Morning Family! Today's "Thought for the Day" comes from the brilliant mind of Stephen Hawking. Hawking is an English theoretical...

Change Starts With You
This past weekend, I took the whole family to see Disney's latest animated movie, Zootopia. It is terrific. The setting, as advertised by...
A beautiful version of Amazing Grace
A group of nine women from Brigham Young University gathered to record a new version of ‘Amazing Grace’ and produce this beautiful video....

Happiness of the Day
Today's picture is about Winter giving way to Spring ...but not so quickly. Enjoy this picture of a fluffy Hare in the Scottish...